

Stay informed about news and events at your library. Sign up to receive the monthly email newsletter as well as occasional special announcements.

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Follow the Library’s Facebook Page for the most up-to-date-information, cancellation notices, etc.


Join us at the library every Saturday morning from 10am to 1pm for a variety of activities for kids and families.

All Activities are free for library members.

Upcoming activities

March 1 – Optical Illusions
Let’s dive together into the fascinating world of optical illusions and thaumatropes—those magical images that spin and deceive your eyes! Perfect for children curious about science, art and the magic of perception.

March 8 – Bingo
Join us for a colorful and exciting Bingo challenge where the boxes are filled with super cool spring-themed words! 

March 15 – Clay Animals
Unleash your creativity and make your own clay animal at the Lennoxville library! Whether you love cats, dinosaurs, or wilder creatures, we have the clay and tools to bring your favorite animals to life!

March 22 – Sun Catchers
Come create magnificent sun catchers during our artistic activity! Children will have fun making their own sun catchers to hang them in the window and capture the sunlight in a magical way! 

March 29 – Lego Robots
Get ready to dive into the world of robotics, solve challenges and have fun with LEGO! Kids will have the chance to build and program their own robots with the coolest LEGO technology!

These free activities are perfect for curious and creative kids. No registration required.

Come have fun and explore new forms of artistic expression!

Small Group Makerspace for familles

Two groups meeting every second Wednesday, 10am -12pm
Sign up required.

Click here to register and/or to let us know more about your needs and expectations about this project.

Once we have received your inscription, we will contact you to propose dates.

A new creative space for homeschooling families! Explore STEAM activities in a fun, hands-on collaborative learning environment. Our target age is 6-11, but we will work to accommodate younger siblings. Our space allows for 5-8 participants per meeting.

 Engineering challenges, science experiments, and crafty projects every session.

Share your ideas and help shape the space to fit your needs.

 Donations of materials and tools welcome!


Every month, September through May

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, 6:30pm. Salle Amédée-Beaudoin


Kids and parents are invited to come join a fun and informal meetup that is geared to spark excitement about books and reading. There will be games and activities, and participants will be invited to share what they’ve been reading recently.

Every other month, kids and parents are invited to read a selected work of middle grade fiction together, and then gather at the library to talk about it as a group, and dig deeper into the story and share insights and ideas.

More details here.


A new monthly activity

Next Meeting:

Friday, February 7th, 6:00-7:15pm

Kids and families are invited to come in their pajamas for stories, songs, snacks, and fun led by early childhood education specialist, Charity Kerrigan.
Free and open to all.
Offered in partnership with the Lennoxville & District Women’s Centre.


Three sessions every month

Every Second Wednesday: intro to D&D and/or short campaigns for kids ages 8-12

Sessions will use Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, and will be animated by Fabrice Juhasz, student in education at Bishop’s University.

Meetings are currently on hiatus as we seek new Dungeon Masters. Use the sign-up form below let us know your interest. We will keep you informed of developments.

One Thursday a month: Multi month campaign for teens ages 11-15.

Sessions will use Dungeons and Dragons, 2nd edition and be led by Patrick Lafortune, our long running Dungeon Master.

Use the form below to sign up for the campaign. We will contact you with the date.

Click here to sign up for either activity

PLEASE make sure that your child is signed up before showing up to the activity.

This activity is very much in demand. We try to ensure that as many children as possible can take part. If there are no places left for the current month’s activity, we’ll try to find a place for you the following month.


The library’s regular bi-weekly Magic the Gathering group meets every second friday.

Sign up here.



Follow the Library’s Facebook Events Page for the most up-to-date-information, cancellation notices, etc.

Come help identify historical photos from the Townships Sun’s Archives!

Thursday, March 6th
1:30 to 3:00 pm (rescheduled from February 6)

Bring your grandparents. Bring your grandchildren. Bring a magnifying glass, if you have one.
Free. All are welcome. Cookies & hot cider.

BOOK CLUBS In French and English

In English:

Every Wednesday or Thursday from 12 to 1pm. We alternate in-person and online meetings. Click here to join the meetings on Zoom

Next Meetings:

Wednesday March 5th – on Zoom

Thursday, March 13th — in person

Wednesday March 19th – on Zoom

Thursday, March 27th — in person

All are welcome to come discuss a book they have recently enjoyed, or just listen to what others have read. Email the library if you would like to be added to the list to receive email reminders about our meetings:

Click here for a list of books discussed at past meetings

In French:

Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 1st at 10am

Please sign up in advance by contacting the library:
819 562-4949

Click here for a list of books discussed at past meetings

Both clubs operate the same way: participants come prepared to share and discuss with the group one or several books they’ve read recently. All are welcome.

Are you an Anglophone looking to brush up your French, or a Francophone looking to practice your English? Both clubs welcome the participation of those looking to connect with literature and conversation in another language.